Effects of a Hypericum extract in therapeutic use and hyperforin sodium sal
t were evaluated in rat and mouse avoidance tests. In a conditioned avoidan
ce response (CAR) test on the rat, oral daily administration of hyperforin
(1.25 mg/kg/day) or of the extract (50 mg/kg/day) before the training sessi
ons considerably improved learning ability from the second day onwards unti
l the day 7. In addition, the memory of the learned responses acquired duri
ng 7 consecutive days of administration and training was largely retained e
ven after 9 days without further treatment or training. The observations ma
de using different doses indicate that these learning-facilitating and/or m
emory-consolidating effects by the agents follow inverse U-shaped dose-resp
onse curves in dose ranges lower than (for hyperforin) or equal to (for Hyp
ericum extract) their effective dose in the behavioral despair test for ant
idepressants. In a passive avoidance response test on the mouse, a single o
ral dose (1.25 mg/kg) of hyperforin not only improved memory acquisition an
d consolidation, but also almost completely reversed scopolamine-induced am
nesia. The single Hypericum extract dose tested (25 mg/kg) did not reveal a
ny significant effects in the passive avoidance response (PAR) test on the
mouse. These observations suggest that the Hypericum extract could be a nov
el type of antidepressant with memory enhancing properties, and indicate th
at hyperforin is involved in its cognitive effects. Pure hyperforin seems t
o be a more potent antidementia agent than an antidepressant.