We review the epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in South A
frica where the prevalence of HINT infection is among the highest in the wo
rld. The epidemic reached South Africa relatively recently but the prevalen
ce of infection has increased rapidly and there are significant differences
among provinces. Although few 15-year-old people are infected the prevalen
ce increases rapidly with age thereafter, especially among women. The preva
lence of herpes simplex virus type 2 exceeds that of HIV and curable sexual
ly transmitted infections are common. 'Circular migration' may help to expl
ain the high rates and rapid spread of HIV in the region. The incidence of
tuberculosis has increased dramatically as a result of the HIV epidemic. An
tiretroviral therapy for the prevention of vertical transmission has been s
hown to be effective in local conditions but transmission through breast-fe
eding remains problematical. While some epidemiological models have been de
veloped, much more needs to be done in this regard in order to plan, coordi
nate and evaluate an effective response to the epidemic. We conclude by dis
cussing some of the research that is needed and steps that could be taken t
o reduce the continued spread of the infection.