Aesthetically pleasing, interlocked ring systems (catenanes) accumulate cha
rge, as they are prepared from neutral ligands and cations. A new approach
to the fabrication of charge neutral catenanes, based on designed dianionic
ligands and divalent cations is presented. Ba2L2(H2L = 3,5,25,27-tetraoxo-
6,7,12,15,18,21,24-heptaoxanonaeisane) represents a new member of the class
of helical metal containing catenanes. Each ligand in Ba2L2 acts as a doub
le-stranded heterotopic catenand. The two helicates are interlocked to form
a [2] catenane. Ba2L2 is a rare example of a heterotopic, homodinuclear ca
tenane. Most heterotopic catenates hold two different metal centers, the bi
nding environments being tailored for each metal; e.g., a metal with prefer
ence for 4-coordination binding two bipyridyls and one with preference for
6-coordination binding two terpyridyls. The coordinative flexibility of Ba2
+ permits coordination both to the pseudo-crown ether portion of the catena
nd, as well as to the anionic ketoester moieties, Ba2L2 also is a rare exam
ple of an alkaline earth containing catenane, and is the first crystallogra
phically characterized group 2 catenane.