We report the experimental realization of coherent population transfer from
the 2 S-3 state to 2 P-3 finestructure levels of helium, using the techniq
ue of hyper-Raman adiabatic passage, in which the pump-laser coupling invol
ves a two-photon transition. We discuss the dependence of population transf
er upon pump and Stokes detunings, and show that by suitably setting the de
tunings one can transfer population efficiently as either a two-step proces
s to final states or as a single-step two-photon transition to an intermedi
ate state. We use an adiabatic-state picture to interpret these experimenta
l results. Since the optimum detuning depends on the pump laser intensity t
he transfer efficiency is compromised by the variation of the intensity acr
oss the spatial profile of the laser beam. Our experimental data agree well
with numerical simulation based on density-matrix equations, including all
15 magnetic sublevels.