The mobility of tracked vehicles is mainly influenced by the characteristic
s of the track assembly and by the interaction between tracks and soil. In
particular. the track tension is closely related to the manoeuvrability of
tracked vehicles and the durability of chassis components. In order to mini
mize the excessive load on the tracks and to prevent the peel-off of tracks
from the sprocket, it is necessary to maintain the optimum track tension t
hroughout the manoeuvre. However, the track tension cannot be easily measur
ed owing to limitations in sensor technology, harsh environment, etc. In th
is paper an indirect track tension monitoring system is developed for track
ed vehicles on flat ground based on idler assembly models. a geometric rela
tion around the idler and the estimated tractive force using the extended K
alman filter technique. The performance of the tension monitoring system is
verified with the results obtained from the multibody dynamics tool and an
experimental set-up.