Schizophrenia is regarded as one of the most expensive mental illnesses bec
ause of its specific symptoms and characteristics. The care of schizophreni
c patients consumed approx. 2% of the total German health care expenditures
in 1994, according to the scarce data provided by routine German health re
porting. Despite this enormous impact, health-economical research in schizo
phrenia in Germany is widely neglected. While few empirical studies on dire
ct cost of care for schizoprenic patients suggest that adequate comprehensi
ve community care in Germany during the mid-nineties was about DM 27000 to
DM 28000 per patient and year, there is a serious lackage of cost-effective
ness-studies, relating cost of care to outcome. Thus, the most basic data f
or any health care planning in schizophrenia is missing. This paper reviews
the studies on cost of schizophrenia in Germany. it identifies the most se
rious knowledge gaps and describes the obstacles for an adequate research i
n this field.