Purpose: To report alterations in the retinal topography and thickness in t
ypical cases of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).
Methods: An optical imaging system was applied to patients with ARMD with a
lterations in the retinal structures. The system generates a series of 20 o
ptical section images that encompass a 2 mm x 2 mm retinal area. The optica
l sections are digitized and analyzed to provide topographic maps of the vi
treo-retinal and chorio-retinal surfaces and the retinal thickness.
Results: Retinal topography and thickness mapping in a normal eye correspon
ded to normal anatomy. Topographic mapping in a patient with confluent drus
en indicated elevation of the vitreo-retinal surface. Retinal topography in
a patient with retinal pigment epithelium detachment displayed localized e
levation of the chorio-retinal surface. The thickness map in a patient with
geographic atrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium revealed retinal thin
ning. In the patients with choroidal neovascularization, the vitreoretinal
and chorio-retinal surfaces were elevated. The chorio-retinal surface map i
n a patient with evolving disciform scar displayed topographic variations c
orresponding to the fibrovascular tissue underlying the serous detachment.
Conclusion: Retinal topography and thickness mapping is useful for visualiz
ation and evaluation of pathologic alterations in retinal structures due to