The question session is one of the four steps of the clinical examination p
ractised in traditional chinese medecine along with the examination, the au
scultation and the palpation.
Highly codified, the question session is also called <<the song of 10 quest
ions>>. Each step is developed using the main principles of traditional chi
nese medecine (tem) : energy, yin and yang, qi, blood (xue) and the organic
fluids, the 5 movements, the 6 perverted energies, the 7 feelings etc.
This examination presents an original approach to the animal in that what i
s being looked for is what it is rather than what is wrong with it.. we hop
e that this article, necesserity exhaustive, will hepl the rigorous practit
ioner in providing a wider approach to the animal and answers to some of hi
s reflections.