A thirteen-year old spayed female poodle was referred because of atrophy of
temporal and masseter muscles on the left and head tilt and episodical cir
cling to the right side. Additionally, decreased facial sensation, absent m
enace reaction, palpebral and corneal reflexes on the left side, as well as
ipsilateral hemiparesis and tongue palsy were noticed. Generalised vestibu
lar ataxia and hypermetria in the front limbs were present. Based on the cl
inical signs, the presumptive anatomical localization of the lesion was the
cerebellopontine angle including parts of the caudal brainstem with involv
ement of the trigeminal, facial and hypoglossal nerves. Involvement of eith
er flocculonodular lobe or the caudal cerebellar peduncle on the left side
causing paradoxical vestibular disease was suspected. On magnetic resonance
imaging a large enhancing lesion in the area of the left cerebellopontine
angle involving the trigeminal nerve and compressing cerebellum and brainst
em was seen. Because of the poor prognosis the dog was euthanized on the ow
ner's request. This space occupying lesion could be identified as a trigemi
nal neurofibrosarcoma/schwannoma on post mortem histopathological examinati