This paper concerns the chemistry and the magnetic properties of a family o
f compounds with a fully interlocked structure. The general formula is [Etr
ad](2)[M-2{Cu(opba)}3].S, with M = Mn2+, Co2+, Mg2+, Ni2+ where Etrad stand
s for a radical cation, and opba stands for ortho-phenylenebis(oxamato). Th
e structure consists of two interpenetrating graphite-like networks with ed
ge sharing hexagons. The magnetic properties of the four compounds have bee
n investigated in detail. The Mg2+ derivative behaves as a paramagnet with
weak ferromagnetic interactions between Cu2+ and Etrad(+) ions. The three o
ther compounds are molecule-based magnets with a spontaneous magnetization
below 22.8 K for the Mn2+ derivative, 28 K for the Ni2+ derivative and 37 K
for the Co2+ derivative. While the Mn2+ derivative is a soft magnet, the N
i2+ and Co2+ derivative display hysteresis loops, with coercive fields high
er than 1 kOe depending on the temperature and the size of the particles. T
he Ni2+ derivative presents also an inversion of the magnetic poles as the
temperature varies under a small external field. For higher field, the magn
etization reverses two times. These original results can be properly reprod
uced using the molecular-field theory adapted to the system and the magneti
c anisotropy. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.