We develop fractional allocation models and confidence statistics for paren
tage analysis in mating systems. The models can be used, for example, to es
timate the paternities of candidate males when the genetic mother is known
or to calculate the parentage of candidate parent pairs when neither is kno
wn. The models do not require two implicit assumptions made by previous mod
els, assumptions that are potentially erroneous. First, we provide formulas
to calculate the expected parentage, as opposed to using a maximum likelih
ood algorithm to calculate the most likely parentage. The expected parentag
e is superior as it does not assume a symmetrical probability distribution
of parentage and therefore, unlike the most likely parentage, will be unbia
sed. Second, we provide a mathematical framework for incorporating addition
al biological data to estimate the prior probability distribution of parent
age. This additional biological data might include behavioral observations
during mating or morphological measurements known to correlate with parenta
ge. The value of multiple sources of information is increased accuracy of t
he estimates. We show that when the prior probability of parentage is known
, and the expected parentage is calculated, fractional allocation provides
unbiased estimates of the variance in reproductive success, thereby correct
ing a problem that has previously plagued parentage analyses. We also devel
op formulas to calculate the confidence interval in the parentage estimates
, thus enabling the assessment of precision. These confidence statistics ha
ve not previously been available for fractional models. We demonstrate our
models with several biological examples based on data from two fish species
that we study, coho salmon (Oncorhychus kisutch) and bluegill sunfish (Lep
omis macrochirus), In coho, multiple males compete to fertilize a single fe
male's eggs. We show how behavioral observations taken during spawning can
be combined with genetic data to provide an accurate calculation of each ma
le's paternity. In bluegill, multiple males and multiple females may mate i
n a single nest. For a nest, we calculate the fertilization success and the
95% confidence interval of each candidate parent pair. (C) 2001 Academic P