The thermal stability of Co(2 nm)/Cu(2 nm) multilayers which exhibit the gi
ant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect: has been investigated both experimental
ly and theoretically. Conventional and analytical transmission electron mic
roscopy, Auger spectroscopy and X-ray analysis revealed changes of the comp
osition on the nanometer scale, the phase morphology as well as the grain s
tructure of multilayers which arise during annealing up to 740 degreesC. Ab
ove an annealing temperature of 300 degreesC, the onset of grain coarsening
accompanied by a transition from a [111] to a [100] texture is observed. M
oreover, a sharpening of the Co/Cu phase boundaries occurs during annealing
up to 600 degreesC. Transmission electron microscopy observations revealed
the coalescence of adjacent Co layers at 600 degreesC, and a complete disi
ntegration of the layer morphology at 740 degreesC. Thermally induced chang
es of the phase morphology were also analysed by means of Monte Carlo simul
ations. With the assumption that the multilayer decomposition starts by a f
ormation of Cu bridges through Co layers at grain boundaries, simulations o
f the subsequent evolution of the phase morphology showed a recession of Co
layers near grain boundaries which can lead to the localised fusion of adj
acent Co layers as well as to a Co and Cu layer thickness coarsening.