The purpose of this morphological study was to investigate the relation bet
ween the meridian, meridian points and viscera using neuroanatomical tracer
s. The common locations of the spinal cord and brain projecting to the stom
ach and Zusanli were observed following injection of CTB (cholera toxin B s
ubunit) and pseudorabies viruses (PRV-Ba, Bartha strain and PRV-Ba-Gal, gal
actosidase insertion) into the stomach and Zusanli (ST36). After 4-5 days o
f survival following injection into twelve rats, they were perfused, and th
eir spinal cords and brains were frozen sectioned (30 mum). These sections
were stained by X-gal histochemical, CTB and PRV-Ba immunohistochemical sta
ining methods, and examined with the light microscope. The results were as
follows: Commonly labeled medulla oblongata regions were dorsal motor nucle
us of vagus nerve (DMV), nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) and area postrema
(AP) following injection of CTB and PRV-Ba-Gal into stomach and Zusanli, r
espectively. In the spinal cord, commonly labeled neurons were found in tho
racic, lumbar and sacral spinal segments. Densely labeled areas were found
in lamina IV, V, VH (intermediolateral nucleus) and X of the spinal cord. I
n the brain, commonly labeled neurons were found in the Al noradrenalin cel
ls/Cl adrenalin cells/caudoventrolateral reticular nucleus, dorsal motor nu
cleus of vagus nerve, nucleus tractus solitarius, area postrema, raphe obsc
urus nucleus, raphe pallidus nucleus, raphe magnus. nucleus, gigantocellula
r nucleus, locus coeruleus, parabrachial nucleus, Kolliker-Fuse nucleus, A5
cell group, central gray matter, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, lat
eral hypothalamic nucleus, retrochiasmatic hypothalamic nucleus, bed nucleu
s of stria terminalis and amygdaloid nucleus. Thus central autonomic center
project both to the stomach and Zusanli. These morphological results sugge
st that there is a commonality of CNS cell groups in brain controlling stom
ach (viscera) and Zusanli (limb).