In some MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) applications, a tradeoff mu
ch be reached between the mechanical strength of a suspended microstructure
and the thermal losses through the support beams. This is typically the ca
se of suspended thermal MEMS, a major domain of application of CMOS-compati
ble bulk-micromachining technologies. This paper illustrates how suspended
MEMS can be strengthened by means of additional support beams which can hav
e a very high thermal impedance, thus having a very small impact in the the
rmal behavior of the microstructure. The high thermal impedance of a suppor
t beam is achieved through self-heating: an electronic control monitors the
temperature drop and heats up the beam to reduce the heat flow. The contro
l electronics of a beam is implemented using a single high-gain stage with
auto-zeroing. A High Thermal Impedance Beam (HTIB) can be considered as a n
ew MEMS design cell. We illustrate the use of this cell in the design of an
Electro-Thermal Converter with long time constant, requiring several HTIB
cells which can share the same control electronics. A single low-frequency
high-gain stage is used, achieving 60 dB DC gain and DC offset and broadban
d noise below 100 muV, which is suitable for the ETC application.