Twenty-three patients with 25 rectus abdominis muscle flaps are presen
ted and the donor site morbidity is discussed. There was no flap loss.
Donor site morbidity included two hernias after bilateral free TRAM f
laps and one abdominal bulging after a free rectus muscle flap. A lite
rature review reveals the latter to be under 10% with no difference be
tween pedicled and free TRAM or free rectus muscle flaps; synthetic me
sh offers no advantage. Abdominal strength decreases significantly aft
er bilateral pedicled TRAM flaps, but to a lesser degree after unilate
ral cases when tested functionally. However, most patients are not han
dicapped in normal life. Pregnancy after TRAM flaps does not necessari
ly place the abdominal wall at risk. Age has no effect on complication
s but obesity does have a minor affect on abdominal wall morbidity. Th
e free TRAM flap is better than the pedicled TRAM with regards to post
-abdominoplasty necrosis, duration of hospitalization and return to ba
seline functional status. Skin edge necrosis, umbilical necrosis, infe
ction and hematoma occur in 1-5% of cases. Smoking increases the risk
of skin and umbilical necrosis, more so in pedicled TRAM flaps.