Twenty-seven individual tree growth models are reviewed. The models take in
to account the same main physiological processes involved in carbon metabol
ism (photosynthate production, respiration, reserve dynamics, allocation of
assimilates and growth) and share common rationales that are discussed. It
is shown that the spatial resolution and representation of tree architectu
re used mainly depend on model objectives. Beyond common rationales, the mo
dels reviewed exhibit very different treatments of each process involved in
carbon metabolism. The treatments of all these processes are presented and
discussed in terms of formulation simplicity, ability to account for respo
nse to environment, and explanatory or predictive capacities. Representatio
n of photosynthetic carbon gain ranges from merely empirical relationships
that provide annual photosynthate production, to mechanistic models of inst
antaneous leaf photosynthesis that explicitly account for the effects of th
e major environmental variables. Respiration is often described empirically
as the sum of two functional components (maintenance and growth). Maintena
nce demand is described by using temperature-dependent coefficients, while
growth efficiency is described by using temperature-independent conversion
coefficients. Carbohydrate reserve pools are generally represented as black
boxes and their dynamics is rarely addressed. Storage and reserve mobilisa
tion are often treated as passive phenomena, and reserve pools are assumed
to behave like buffers that absorb the residual, excessive carbohydrate on
a daily or seasonal basis. Various approaches to modelling carbon allocatio
n have been applied, such as the use of empirical partitioning coefficients
, balanced growth considerations and optimality principles, resistance mass
-flow models, or the source-sink approach. The outputs of carbon-based mode
ls of individual tree growth are reviewed, and their implications for fores
try and ecology are discussed. Three critical issues for these models to da
te are identified: (i) the representation of carbon allocation and of the e
ffects of architecture on tree growth is Achilles' heel of most of tree gro
wth models; (ii) reserve dynamics is always poorly accounted for; (iii) the
representation of below ground processes and tree nutrient economy is lack
ing in most of the models reviewed. Addressing these critical issues could
greatly enhance the reliability and predictive capacity of individual tree
growth models in the near future.