Attentional control of executive function declines during the early stages
of Alzheimer's disease. Controversy exists as to whether this decline resul
ts from a single global deficit or whether attentional control can be fract
ionated, with some aspects being more vulnerable than others. We investigat
ed three proposed domains of attention, namely (i) focal attention, based o
n simple and choice reaction times; (ii) the capacity to resist distraction
in a visual search task; and (iii) the capacity to divide attention betwee
n two simultaneous tasks. For each domain, two levels of difficulty were us
ed to study Alzheimer's disease patients, who were compared with elderly an
d young control subjects. The unitary attentional hypothesis predicted that
the impacts of level of difficulty, age and disease would be qualitatively
similar across the three attentional domains. In fact we observed differen
t patterns for each domain. We obtained no differential impairment for pati
ents in the focal attentional task, whereas patients were somewhat more sus
ceptible than control subjects to the similarity of the distractor items in
visual search. Finally, we observed marked impairment in the capacity of A
lzheimer's disease patients to combine performance on two simultaneous task
s, in contrast to preserved dual-task performance in the normal elderly gro
up. These results suggest a need to fractionate executive processes, and re
inforce earlier evidence for a specific dual-task processing deficit in Alz
heimer's disease.