Objective: To report five new cases of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)
and to review and analyze thee existing reports on the subject.
Method: Five new cases of PCP during pregnancy are described. The cases, ca
se series, and related articles on the subject in the English language were
identified through a comprehensive MEDLINE search and reviewed.
Results: More than 80% of women with AIDS are of reproductive age, and PCP
is the most common cause of AIDS-related death in pregnant women in the Uni
ted States. Among 22 reviewed cases, the mortality rate was 50% (11 of 22 p
atients), which is higher than that usually reported for HIV-infected indiv
iduals with PCP. Respiratory failure developed in 13 patients (59%), and me
chanical ventilation was therefore required, and the survival rate in patie
nts requiring mechanical ventilation was 31%. Maternal and fetal outcomes w
ere better in cases of PCP during the third trimester of the pregnancy. A v
ariety of treatment regimens were used, including sulfamethoxazole-trimetho
prim (SXT) alone or in combination with pentamidine, steroids, and eflornit
hine. The survival rate in patients treated with SXT alone was 71% (5 of 7
patients) and for those treated,vith SXT and steroids was 60% (3 of 5 patie
nts), with an overall survival rate in both groups of 66.6% (S of 12 patien
Conclusion: PCP has a more aggressive course during pregnancy, with increas
ed morbidity and mortality. Maternal and fetal outcomes remain dismal. Trea
tment with SXT, compared to other therapies, may result in an improved outc
ome. Withholding appropriate PCP prophylaxis may adversely affect maternal
and fetal outcomes.