Local hypoxia dilates systemic and constricts pulmonary blood vessels in ma
mmals without neural or humoral involvement. The direct effects of hypoxia
on isolated vessels from bony fish have not been examined. In the present s
tudy, isolated vessels (efferent branchial artery, EBA; coeliacomesenteric
artery, CMA; ventral aorta, VA; and anterior cardinal vein, ACV) from rainb
ow or steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were subjected to either passiv
e load (resting tension) or contracted with a ligand or 50 mM KCI and then
subjected to 60 min of hypoxia by N-2 administration and an additional 30 m
in of normoxia. All vessels were usually refractory to hypoxia under condit
ions of resting tension. EBAs, CMAs and VAs pre-contracted with a receptor-
mediated ligand were all significantly relaxed by hypoxia and only VAs reco
vered significantly upon subsequent restoration of normoxia. In contrast, t
ension in all arteries pre-contracted with 50 mM KCI was elevated further i
n response to hypoxia. Conversely, ligand-contracted ACVs responded to hypo
xia with a further increase in tension, whereas KCI-contracted ACVs relaxed
. During apparently random 2-3-week periods EBA and CMA from steelhead and
EBA from rainbow trout were hyper-reactive to hypoxia. Steelhead vessels re
sponded to hypoxia. with a rapid contraction that increased in magnitude ov
er 3 days. These contractions were independent of pre-stimulation and they
were dose-dependent upon PO2. In isolated gills, hypoxic perfusate produced
an immediate but transient elevation of resistance (R-GILL) in all four gi
ll arches. R-GILL increased by as much as 30% of initial values and this re
sponse was unaltered upon a second hypoxic exposure. These studies demonstr
ate that isolated vascular segments of rainbow trout are indeed responsive
to hypoxia and that these differential responses are vessel and tone depend
ent and the overall response may be altered by as yet unknown seasonal or e
nvironmental factors. Hypoxia-induced arterial relaxation is blocked by ele
vated external [K+], implicating alteration of transmembrane K+ conductance
and/or membrane potential in this depressor response. K+-channel closure o
r voltage-gated Ca2+ influx cannot account for arterial vasoconstriction du
e to hypoxia during KCl+ contractions. Vascular Vascular responses to hypox
ia could have a profound impact on local flow in vivo and could mediate ven
tilation-perfusion matching in the branchial circulation of fish. (C) 2001
Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.