M. Jones et al., Coexistence of temporally partitioned spiny mice: Roles of habitat structure and foraging behavior, ECOLOGY, 82(8), 2001, pp. 2164-2176
Two coexisting species of spiny mice in rocky deserts in Israel temporally
partition activity in opposite parts of the diel cycle. Acomys cahirinus is
nocturnal and A. russatus is diurnal. although it becomes nocturnal if its
congener is experimentally removed, suggesting that the temporal partition
ing is driven by interspecific competition. Such extreme temporal partition
ing within the diel cycle has not previously been recorded elsewhere among
mammals. Using artificial food patches. we studied microhabitat use and for
aging efficiencies under seasonally variable predator regimes and physiolog
ical pressures to assess the roles that habitat structure and foraging beha
vior might play in coexistence. The two species showed trade-offs in foragi
ng efficiency leading to different strategies of microhabitat use that may
help promote coexistence. A. cahirinus is a "cream skimmer," a relatively i
nefficient forager that gives up at relatively high giving-up densities, an
d a habitat generalist: whereas A. russatus is a habitat specialist, perhap
s compensating for this restricted niche by foraging very efficiently to lo
w giving-up densities. Seasonal shifts in foraging microhabitat suggest tha
t the response to predation risk from snakes in summer overrides and oppose
s the effects of physiological costs and risk from owls and diurnal raptors
, leading to increased predatory risk and foraging microhabitat overlap in
summer. Temporal partitioning of the food resource may compensate for decre
ased partitioning of the habitat resource in summer. Provision of cover was
more important than escape distance in determining habitat and microhabita
t use. Boulder fields in rocky deserts provide a physical structure that is
more complex and provides more continuous cover than is available in open
deserts, where most research on community structure of desert rodents has b
een carried out. We propose that this physical structure of rocky deserts,
in conjunction with the desert adaptations of A. russatus, may enable the e
xtreme temporal partitioning to opposite parts of the diel cycle and, there
fore, contributes to coexistence in this community.