Background and objective To assess retrospectively the complications and mo
rbidity of electroconvulsive therapy.
Methods Complications occurring in 75 patients during 612 electroconvulsive
therapy procedures under propofol anaesthesia were reviewed by data analys
Results At least one complication occurred in 51 patients (68%) during the
course of their treatment. Among these complications, 12 were potentially l
ife-threatening: one patient developed angina pectoris, another aspiration
pneumopathy, there were two incidences of bronchospasm, three hypoxic episo
des (SpO(2) < 92% with FiO(2) = 1) and five severe episodes of laryngospasm
which caused hypoxia. Twenty-five patients (33%) were confused for more th
an 2 h after the electroconvulsive therapy. Confusion recurred in 10 patien
ts (13%) after several sessions of electroconvulsive treatment. Six patient
s had a traumatic complication, with one requiring surgery.
Conclusion Our results, compared with other studies, suggest that electroco
nvulsive therapy is not a low-risk procedure, with a particularly high rate
of respiratory complications that may have been previously overlooked. The
refore, ambulatory anaesthesia may not be appropriate on a regular basis fo
r most of these patients.