Exploring complex, very large data sets requires interfaces to present and
navigate through the visualization of the data. Two types of audience benef
it from such coherent organization and representation: First, the user of t
he visualization system can examine and evaluate their data more efficientl
y; second, collaborators or reviewers can quickly understand and extend the
visualization. The needs of these two groups are addressed by the spreadsh
eet-like interface described here. The interface represents a two-dimension
al window into a multidimensional visualization parameter space. Data is ex
plored by navigating this space via the interface. The visualization space
is presented to the user in a manner that clearly identifies which paramete
rs correspond to which visualized result. Operations defined on this space
can be applied which generate new parameters or results. Combined with a ge
neral purpose interpreter, these functions can be utilized to quickly extra
ct desired results. Finally, by encapsulating the visualization process, re
dundant exploration is eliminated and collaboration is facilitated. The eff
icacy of this novel interface is demonstrated through examples using a vari
ety of data sets in different domains.