This paper propose a method for improving the image quality of motion estim
ation (ME) using low-bit images. By using edge-enhanced images for quantiza
tion, we can increase the accuracy of the ME and improve the image quality.
It is known that using low-bit images for ME is effective for reducing pow
er consumption bill it slightly degrades image quality. The quality of the
encoded image depends on the thresholds for data quantization, thus. algori
thms for determining thresholds are studied. The proposed method uses linea
r quantization, which simply truncates the least significant bits. This met
hod is simple without any complicated threshold calculations. and the resul
tant image quality is improved as much as the methods that use threshold ca
lculations. To evaluate the effectiveness. we simulate results for image qu
ality and estimate the power consumption using synthesis results from a VHD
L model motion estimator.