This article reports the results of an investigation, based on fundamental
fluid dynamics and mass transfer theory, carried out to obtain a general un
derstanding of the mechanisms involved in the emissions from building mater
ials in ventilated rooms. In addition, a generally applicable method for th
e prediction of surface emissions is proposed. The work focused on the emis
sion of vapours and gases and no particulate emissions were considered. The
methods used were numerical calculations by computational fluid dynamics (
CFD) and full-scale laboratory experiments. It was found that the emissions
are a strong function of air-change rate, local air velocity and local tur
bulence, as the mass transfer coefficient increases in proportion to these
parameters. The findings further show that the mass transfer coefficient in
creases in proportion to the velocity when the emission is controlled by ev
aporation from the surface. With regard to diffusion-controlled emissions,
the mass transfer coefficient is unaffected by the velocity.