This article examines how the literatures of dynamic performance and the pe
rformance-turnover relationship inform each other. The nonrandom performanc
e-turnover relationship suggests that dynamic performance studies may be bi
ased by their elimination of participants who do not remain for the entire
study period. The authors demonstrated that the performance slopes of those
who leave an organization differ from the performance slopes of those who
remain. This finding suggests that studies of the performance-turnover rela
tionship need to consider employee performance trends when predicting turno
ver. Replicating and extending the research of D. A, Harrison, M. Virick. a
nd S. William (1996), the authors found that performance changes from the p
revious month and performance trends measured over a longer time period exp
lained variance in voluntary turnover beyond current performance. Finally,
the authors showed that performance trends interacted with current performa
nce in the prediction of voluntary turnover.