An electron-density functional for the conventionally defined exchange ener
gy density of an atom is constructed using Becke's inhomogeneity parameter
Q(B) based on the density matrix expansion of the exchange hole. The propos
ed functional (the energy density meta-generalized gradient approximation o
r EDMGGA) has the following properties: (i) The exchange energy density eps
ilon (EDMGGA)(x)(r) has correct nuclear cusp and density-tail behaviors. (i
i) The corresponding exchange potential deltaE(x)[n]/deltan(r) is finite ne
ar the nucleus and decays asymptotically as -k/r in the tail. Numerical res
ults show that our functional yields total exchange energies for atoms with
about the same accuracy as Becke's widely used functional B88, but signifi
cantly improves the local description of the exchange energy density. In on
e Appendix, by introducing a general coordinate transformation, we show tha
t the asymptotic behavior of the conventionally defined exchange energy den
sity depends upon the choice of the coordinate transformation and the estab
lished tail behavior, -1/2r, for a finite system is only a special case in
the general coordinate transformation. In another Appendix, we discuss alte
rnative definitions of the exchange energy density. (C) 2001 American Insti
tute of Physics.