The kinetics of delignification and cellulose chain scission of hemlock kra
ft pulp are studied at high consistency over a temperature range of 0-30 de
greesC for conventional ozonation, and of -54 to +30 degreesC for ethanol-a
ssisted ozonation. The experimental results show that temperature has virtu
ally no effect on the kinetics of delignification, and only a small effect
on that of cellulose degradation at normal ozone consumptions. However at l
onger ozonation times (equivalent to excessive ozone charges), the cellulos
e degradation is significantly higher at 30 degreesC than at 0 degreesC. Th
ese results are in agreement with the shrinking-core kinetic model descript
ion of delignification during ozone bleaching, and are consistent with the
small effect of temperature on the combined influence of the solubility and
diffusivity of ozone in the liquid contained in the fibre wall.