Purpose: Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is currently the technique of choice fo
r removing benign adrenal lesions. Various laparoscopic techniques and appr
oaches have been reported using the transperitoneal or retroperitoneal appr
oach. We present our 8-year experience with and longterm results of transpe
ritoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy.
Materials and Methods: Between October 1992 and October 2000, 161 laparosco
pic approaches to the adrenal gland were performed, including 145 unilatera
l and 10 bilateral adrenalectomies, and 6 conservative operations. Patients
were placed in the 60-degree flank position with the bed flexed to increas
e the surgical field. To avoid hypertensive crisis, especially in patients
with pheochromocytoma, the first step involved early ligation of the adrena
l vein.
Results: The laparoscopic procedure was succesfully completed in all except
4 cases, which were converted to open surgery. Mean operative time was 160
minutes in the unilateral, 245 in the bilateral and 90 in the conservative
group. Delayed complications included hemoperitoneum in 3 patients, which
was drained surgically, severe blood loss in 3 treated with blood transfusi
on and wound infection in 2. Patients were ambulatory on the morning of pos
toperative day 1 and were discharged home 2.8, 5 and 1.8 days after unilate
ral, bilateral and conservative surgery, respectively.
Conclusions: Laparoscopic transperitoneal adrenalectomy is a safe, effectiv
e, minimally invasive approach in patients with benign functioning or nonfu
nctioning adrenal masses. This technique involves low morbidity, minimal po
stoperative analgesic requirements and a short hospital stay.