Purpose: The treatment of patients with abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) i
s typically based on the potential for rupture. Current rupture assessments
are in turn based on statistics from aggregate populations and are incapab
le of providing precise risk estimates for individual AAAs. Significant ben
efit could be realized if rupture potential for individual AAAs could be re
liably determined on the basis of simple geometric characteristics or the r
esults of symmetric thin-shell analysis. This study seeks to determine whet
her it is possible to estimate wall stresses by use of these simple measure
Methods: Linear finite element analysis was used to estimate the distributi
on of von Mises stresses in a series of homogeneous, isotropic, three-dimen
sional AAA models subject to static loading and assumed to have zero residu
al stresses. The magnitude of the peak stress was tabulated for each model
along with the following characteristics: aneurysm volume; maximum diameter
; maximum radius; maximal wall distention; aspect ratio (ratio of greatest
anteroposterior diameter to transverse diameter); local radii of curvature
(in both longitudinal and circumferential directions); and maximum symmetri
c thin-shell stress estimates (on the basis of the meridional contour). The
relationship between peak stress and each of the characteristics was asses
sed by use of Spearman rank correlation coefficients, with values less than
0.95 interpreted as signifying unreliable associations.
Results: Peak stresses in the individual models ranged from 1.79 x 10(6) dy
ne/cm(2) to 15.1 x 10(6) dyne/cm(2). The circumferential and longitudinal r
adii of curvature were frequently able to predict the locations of high str
ess, but were unreliable in predicting the magnitude of peak stress. The as
pect ratio showed the strongest correlation with peak wall stress (r = 0.88
, 95% CI, 0.68-0.96), whereas the other characteristics showed even less co
rrelation. Symmetric thin shell analysis accurately predicted stresses in a
xially symmetric models, but it was incapable of predicting either the loca
tion or magnitude of peak stress in asymmetric models.
Conclusions: Simple geometric criteria and symmetric thin shell analyses ar
e unreliable in predicting AAA stresses. Future attempts to estimate wall s
tress and assess risk of rupture for individual AAAs may require detailed t
hree-dimensional modeling.