A host-mediated RNA-editing event allows hepatitis delta virus (HDV) to exp
ress two essential proteins, the small delta antigen (HDAg-S) and the large
delta antigen (HDAg-L), from a single open reading frame. One or several m
embers of the ADAR (adenosine deaminases that act on RNA) family are though
t to convert the adenosine to an inosine (I) within the HDAg-S amber codon
in antigenomic RNA. As a consequence of replication, the UIG codon is conve
rted to a UGG (tryptophan [W]) codon in the resulting HDAg-L message. Here,
we used a novel reporter system to monitor the editing of the HDV amber/W
site in the absence of replication. In cultured cells, we observed that bot
h human ADAR1 (hADAR1) and hADAR2 were capable of editing the amber/W site
with comparable efficiencies. We also defined the minimal HDV substrate req
uired for hADAR1- and hADAR2-mediated editing. Only 24 nucleotides from the
amber/W site were sufficient to enable efficient editing by hADAR1 Hence,
the HDV amber/W site represents the smallest ADAR substrate yet identified.
In contrast, the minimal substrate competent for hADAR2-mediated editing c
ontained 66 nucleotides.