S. Hoelzer et al., Value of XML in the implementation of clinical practice guidelines - the issue of content retrieval and presentation, MED INF IN, 26(2), 2001, pp. 131-146
The purpose of guidelines in clinical practice is to improve the effectiven
ess and efficiency of clinical care. It is known that nationally or interna
tionally produced guidelines which, in particular, do not involve medical p
rocesses at the time of consultation, do not take local factors into accoun
t, and have no consistent implementation strategy, have limited impact in c
hanging either the behaviour of physicians, or patterns of care. The litera
ture provides evidence for the effectiveness of computerization of CPGs for
increasing compliance and improving patient outcomes. Probably the most ef
fective concepts are knowledge-based functions for decision support or moni
toring that are integrated in clinical information systems. This approach i
s mostly restricted by the effort required for development and maintenance
of the information systems and the limited number of implemented medical ru
les. Most of the guidelines are text-based, and are primarily published in
medical journals and posted on the internet. However, internet-published gu
idelines have little impact on the behaviour of physicians. It can be diffi
cult and time-consuming to browse the internet to find (a) the correct guid
elines to an existing diagnosis and (b) and adequate recommendation for a s
pecific clinical problem. Our objective is to provide a web-based guideline
service that takes as input clinical data on a particular patient and retu
rns as output a customizable set of recommendations regarding diagnosis and
treatment. Information in healthcare is to a very large extent transmitted
and stored as unstructured or slightly structured text such as discharge l
etters, reports, forms, etc. The same applies for facilities containing med
ical information resources for clinical purposes and research such as text
books, articles, guidelines, etc. Physicians are used to obtaining informat
ion from text-based sources. Since most guidelines are text-based, it would
be practical to use a document-based solution that preserves the original
cohesiveness. The lack of structure limits the automatic identification and
extraction of the information contained in these resources. For this reaso
n, we have chosen a document-based approach using eXtensible Markup Languag
e (XML) with its schema definition and related technologies. XML empowers t
he applications for in-context searching. In addition it allows the same co
ntent to be represented in different ways. Our XML reference clinical data
model for guidelines has been realized with the XML schema definition. The
schema is used for structuring new text-based guidelines and updating exist
ing documents. It is also used to establish search strategies on the docume
nt base. We hypothesize that enabling the physicians to query the available
CPGs easily, and to get access to selected and specific information at the
point of care will foster increased use. Based on current evidence we are
confident that it will have substantial impact on the care provided, and wi
ll improve health outcomes.