Archived wheat grain and straw samples from the unfertilised plot of the Br
oadbalk Continuous Wheat Experiment at Rothamsted, England, were used to in
vestigate the trends in stable C isotope ratios since 1845. Grain delta C-1
3 was higher than straw delta C-13. Both grain and straw delta C-13 have de
creased by approximately 2.5-2.8 parts per thousand over the last 153 years
, and since the 1960s the decrease has been more rapid than the decrease of
the delta C-13 of atmospheric CO2. The C isotope discrimination (Delta), a
nd hence the ratio of CO2 concentration in leaf intercellular space to that
in the ambient air (c(i)/c(a)), remained relatively stable or decreased sl
ightly between 1845 and the mid-1960s, then increased considerably. The per
iod with increasing Delta and c(i)/c(a) corresponds to the introduction of
the modem short-straw cultivars of wheat. When grown on the unfertilised pl
ot in the same seasons, a modem wheat cultivar had slightly higher Delta va
lues than an old cultivar. The c(i) derived from both grain and straw Delta
have increased by 33-37% over the last 153 years, with the increase being
more rapid after than before the mid-1960s. However, there was no clear tre
nd in the yields of straw and grain, primarily because of the limitations o
f N and other nutrients, and also because of large year-to-year variations.