Antibodies against human proteins that regulate DNA replication such as Cdc
6 and Mcm5 became available as a new marker of proliferation. We performed
immunohistochemical analysis with MIB-1 and antibody against Cdc6 on 35 bra
in tumors, including tumors of neuroepithelial tissue, vestibular schwannom
as, meningiomas, and pituitary adenomas. Median reactivity for MIB-1 was 8.
8%, and that for Cdc6 was 55%. Reactivity in most brain tumors was signific
antly higher for Cdc6 than for MIB-1, but reactivity of Cdc6 was independen
t Of tumor grade. Detection of Cdc6 expression might be useful for the esti
mation of proliferative activity in brain tumors.