We report a high-density wavelength division demultiplexer (Demux) capable
of demultiplexing a 32-channel 100-GHz-spaced wavelength, with a working wa
velength range of operation from 1541.37 to 1565.47 nm. The design, packagi
ng, and performance of the Demux using the 22nd diffraction order of an ech
elle grating is described. The typical insertion loss of the device is -3.0
+/- 0.2 dB, the cross talk between adjacent channels for all 32 channels i
s about -30 dB, and the average 1-dB optical passband is 0.256 nm. We found
the experimental measurement result of the 1-dB passband to be in good agr
eement with the theoretical 1-dB passband as calculated. The device has sin
gle-mode fiber in and multimode fiber out, and thus can bridge the telecomm
unication backbone and local area networks. (C) 2001 society of Photo-Optic
al Instrumentation Engineers.