We study, using molecular dynamics techniques, how boundary conditions affe
ct the process of fragmentation of finite, highly excited, Lennard-Jones sy
stems. We analyze the behavior of the caloric curves (CC), the associated t
hermal response functions (TRF), and cluster mass distributions for constra
ined and unconstrained hot drops. It is shown that the resulting CC for the
constrained case differ from the one in the unconstrained case, mainly in
the presence of a "vapor branch." This branch is absent in the free expandi
ng case even at high energies. This effect is traced to the role played by
the collective expansion motion. On the other hand, we found that the recen
tly proposed characteristic features of a first order phase transition taki
ng place in a finite isolated system, i.e., abnormally large kinetic energy
fluctuations and a negative branch in the TRF, are present for the constra
ined (dilute) as well as the unconstrained case. The microscopic origin of
this behavior is also analyzed.