Induced formation of a series of carbazole alkaloids was observed in leaves
of Glycosmis parviflora and G. pentaphylla after wounding, UV-irradiation,
and particularly after inoculation with the fungus Botrytis cinerea. Chemi
cal variation between different provenances and even individuals of G. parv
iflora led to an accumulation of different derivatives from which three pro
ved to be undescribed natural products. Their structures were identified by
spectroscopic methods and named carbalexins A, B, and C. Bioautographic te
sts on TLC plates with Cladosporium herbarum exhibited strong antifungal ac
tivity for the new carbalexins as well as for the already known 2-hydroxy-3
-methylcarbazole, but only weak effects for the pyranocarbazole glycoborini
ne. Detailed experiments with marked infection areas confirmed the restrict
ed accumulation of carbazole derivatives which could not be detected in non
-infected areas of the same leaf. Apart from carbazoles. in some individual
s of G. parviflora an additional accumulation of the pyranoquinolones flind
ersine and methylflindersine was induced, which supports the already previo
usly discussed biogenetic connections between carbazoles and prenylated qui
nolones, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.