This paper seeks to broaden the application of demography to environmental
studies by complementing existing macro-level approaches, which feature agg
regate populations, with a micro-level approach that highlights household l
ife cycles. I take up the case of small farm households in the Brazilian Am
azon to present a theoretical framework that identifies demographic charact
eristics which dispose families to engage in different forms of land use as
household age structures change. Empirical models show that net of the eff
ects of fanner back.-round, neighborhood context, institutional context, an
d off-farm incomes, demographic variables indicative of the household life
cycle exert significant effects on the prominence of land uses with distinc
t environmental ramifications. The findings not only reveal microlevel demo
graphic factors which affect Amazon land cover, they yield implications for
future changes in rainforest landscapes in northern Brazil, and suggest ho
usehold life cycle models as an avenue for further demographic research on
environmental change in Latin America and other contexts.