In the dog as in other mammals, iron is a trace element mainly localized in
hemoproteins such as hemoglobin and myoglobin. It is transported by transf
errin in the plasma and stored by ferritin in organs, mainly in the liver.
Only a very small fraction of iron is free; it participates in exchanges an
d can generate potentially toxic radical oxygen species. Iron metabolism is
based on low alimentary supply and elimination and high turnover of iron p
rotein, which implies an intense recycling. Regulation is based on the tran
slation of mRNAs for ferritin and transferrin receptors. Disturbances of ir
on metabolism occur mainly in anemias, portosystemic shunts and glucocortic
oid treatments. Testing of iron metabolism is based on the hemogram and red
cell parameters, iron concentration and TIBC (total iron binding capacity)
. Ferritinemia is the best test of iron stores in the body.