Patellar ligament rupture is described in most orthopaedic textbooks. The c
ase report of a large dog with bilateral rapture is presented. As the initi
al incident was minor, responsability was attributed to an enrofloxacin tre
atment associated with previous prostatic surgery. Such rupture of a tendon
is classic in man, where fluoroquinolones tendinopathies are well known, b
ut has not yet been described in dog. As conventional surgical failed a new
surgical technic was attempted. Each tendinous suture was protected by a c
lassic tibio-patellar cerclage wire plus a transarticular external fixator
of the stifle. The fixator was removed one and a half month later, after ul
trasound examination of the ligament. Joint immobilisation was considered r
esponsible for DJD of the stifles detected one year post trauma.