The specific features of the catalytic reduction of methylviologen by dihyd
rogen in water in the presence of platinum colloids synthesized by various
methods are studied. The colloids prepared by the radiation-chemical reduct
ion of PtCl42- in the presence of polyacrylate or polyphosphate as stabiliz
ers and colloids prepared by the reduction with dihydrogen efficiently cata
lyze the reaction. The "citrate" colloids synthesized by the reduction of P
tCl62- with citric acid are characterized by a prolonged induction period a
fter which these colloids also gain the catalytic activity. We assume that
the "citrate" platinum colloids are giant clusters with the close-packed me
tal core containing the "magic" number of platinum atoms (Pt-561), which ar
e coordinated by the ligand molecules blocking the surface of the metal par
ticle. In the presence of H-2, the ligand molecules are decomposed or remov
ed from the surface, which is accompanied by the appearance of the catalyti
c activity.