In this paper, we take a new approach to the question of whether or not int
entions regarding future fertility affect fertility-related behavior. Our a
pproach has three principal features: 1) it takes sterilization as its outc
ome, rather than pregnancy or birth; 2) it is based on a conceptual model i
n which fertility-related behavior is seen as determined by a long-range pl
anning process, modified by unanticipated fife course contingencies; and 3)
it uses data on desired total family size. Using data from the National Su
rvey of Families and Households, we find that achieving one's desired parit
y has a strong, persistent, and positive effect on the probability of steri
lization, supporting our view of the long-term nature of fertility intentio
ns. People do modify their behavior in the face of unanticipated contingenc
ies, but those effects are unexpectedly small.