Objectives: Prevention at the worksite is considered increasingly important
. This paper describes the methods used in a nationwide prevention campaign
performed at a large Swiss bank and a Swiss industrial company. The aim of
this project was to encourage general health awareness among company emplo
yees. We also aimed to provide the companies with general health analyses o
f their staff as a basis for future health promotion. Furthermore, new scre
ening methods were evaluated in the field of research.
Methods: Participation in the programme was voluntary and free of charge. T
he programme targeted all 25243 employees of the two companies in all regio
ns of Switzerland. A mobile unit was available on site. The programme inclu
ded a written health questionnaire and medical examinations (e.g., blood pr
essure, blood tests, ultrasound of the common carotid artery, osteodensitom
etry, examinations of the eye, etc), Analysis of individual test results, i
nformation brochures, and a telephone information service were also provide
d. Based on the data of the individuals, the "health status" of the employe
es of the two companies was analysed, The companies did not have access to
the data of the individuals. The programme ran from August 1996 to August 1
Results: With a total of 10321 persons taking part in the project, the part
icipation rate was 41%. For the different examinations offered, pat-terns o
f participation were identifiable that varied with age, hierarchical status
within the concern, body mass index, and number of physical complaints of
the employee, Some of the variables showed the same trend for different tes
ts, while others showed opposite trends.
Conclusions: Participation in worksite health promotion programmes is depen
dent on a complex system of individual and structural variables that need t
o be considered when planning worksite health promotion programmes, Conside
ration of specific target population characteristics, including motivations
and incentives as well as structural constraints is likely to improve part
icipation rates in worksite health promotion programmes among employees.