A U-Pb zircon age of 91.2 +/- 0.2 Myr from western India (St. Mary islands)
confidently links India with the Late Cretaceous magmatic province in Mada
gascar (approximate to 84-92 Ma), and the U-Pb age is within analytical err
or of the U-Pb age of the Analalava gabbro pluton (91.6 +/- 0.3 Myr) in nor
theastern Madagascar. Palaeomagnetic data from India and Madagascar allow u
s to postulate a new India-Madagascar fit (Euler latitude = 14.24 degrees,
longitude = 38.8 and rotation angle = -69.2 degrees). This fit is applicabl
e to the Late Cretaceous, directly prior to and during the early phase of M
adagascar-India separation. In our Late Cretaceous reconstruction, south-we
st India runs roughly subparallel with the first known break-up related mag
netic anomaly (A34); it maintains a close connection between Madagascar and
India, but places India slightly rotated compared to the eastern margin of
Madagascar and more northerly compared with some reconstructions. St. Mary
magmatism is linked to the initial break-up between India and Madagascar,
and magmatism probably resulted from rift-related extensional processes ini
tially induced by the Marion hotspot underlying southern Madagascar during
the Late Cretaceous.