A yarn-on-yarn abrasion test method has been developed that is capable of e
ffectively monitoring the wet abrasion of lyocell fibers. The test system i
s sensitive to the effect of reactive dyes and colorless crosslinkers. Impr
ovements in wet abrasion performance were observed with bifunctional and tr
i-functional dyes, contrasting with the relatively ineffective non-crosslin
king mono-functional dye. Colorless crosslinkers similarly improved the wet
abrasion. Under the experimental conditions used in this study, the dry ya
rn-on-yarn breakdown of the lyocell appeared to occur by a different mechan
ism than the wet abrasion. In contrast to the beneficial effect of crosslin
king on the wet abrasion, the most effective "wet" crosslinker had a delete
rious effect on dry abrasion, while the less effective "wet" crosslinkers h
ad less impact on dry abrasion resistance.