Aims. To evaluate the effectiveness of a motivational intervention to reduc
e attrition from a waiting list for substance abusers seeking publicly fund
ed treatment. Design. Randomized clinical trial comparing an "attrition pre
vention" condition to standard care while awaiting treatment admission. Set
ting. A centralized substance abuse assessment and referral center in Seatt
le, Washington. Participants. Substance abusers (n=654) eligible for public
ly funded drug abuse treatment. Measurements. Alcohol and drug use, substan
ce-related negative consequences, areas in need of help, perceived need for
help, emotional status, readiness to change, reasons for seeking and perce
ived barriers to entering treatment. Findings. Overall, approximately 70% o
f clients entered treatment, and of these approximatey 70% completed their
assigned treatment. Those who entered treatment showed significant reductio
ns in substance use and improved psychosocial function at a short-term 3-mo
nth follow-up. However, the attrition prevention intervention had no differ
ential effect on treatment entry, completion or outcome compared to the sta
ndard waiting list. Further, there were no differences across therapists on
these outcome measures. Conclusions. A motivational attrition prevention i
ntervention did not enhance treatment entry, completion or outcome among tr
eatment-seeking substance abusers. It is suggested that alternative strateg
ies, such as contingency management and case management, may help facilitat
e treatment entry for individuals seeking publicly funded treatment.