Concomitant acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and lupus nephritis I
s an exceptional feature In white patients. A white boy with maternofetal h
uman Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Infection had no medical follow-up until
he presented at 12 years of age with a nephrotic syndrome, macrohematuria,
renal failure, pancytopenia, and low CD4+ cell count. A renal biopsy reveal
ed severe lupus nephritis (World Health Organization class IV) with specifi
c immune deposits in the absence of any clinical sign of systemic lupus ery
thematosus or specific autoantibodies at the time of diagnosis. The treatme
nt consisted of methylprednisolone, pulses followed by oral prednisone; ant
iretroviral triple therapy was started a few weeks later, which contributed
to clinical and biologic Improvement. To our knowledge, this Is the first
case report of lupus-like nephritis In a white child with AIDS, whose outco
me might be Improved significantly by a combination of steroids and antiret
roviral therapy. (C) 2001 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.