The safety characteristics of a long-life multipurpose nuclear reactor (MPF
R) with selfsustained liquid metallic fuel and lead coolant, which is propo
sed to meet the requirements for the energy production in the future, were
investigated. The application of liquid plutonium-uranium metallic alloys u
sed as a nuclear fuel demonstrated high potential to reach excellent reacto
r shutdown characteristics against anticipated transients without scram suc
h as unprotected loss-of-flow and unprotected transient overpower. The calc
ulations indicated that the thermal expansion of liquid fuels would cause t
he negative reactivity insertion that would be larger in magnitude than any
other thermally induced reactivity changes. This created the reactivity ba
lance for the passive shutdown and power stabilization capabilities of the
MPFR core. It was found that MPFR satisfies such design characteristics to
be a potential candidate providing the replacement of fossil fuels by alter
native energy sources in the next century. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. A
ll rights reserved.