The electronically excited molecular oxygen (singlet oxygen, O-1(2)) can be
detrimental to cells in several ways, although recent reports indicate tha
t it may play a role as an intercellular signal in eukaryotes. Here we pres
ent evidence that O-1(2), generated by thermodissociation of disodium 3,3'-
(1,4-naphthylidene) diproprionate endoperoxide, activates transcription of
genes of the soxRS regulon, and that this induction is paralleled by induct
ion of a soxS'::lacZ operon fusion. The inductions were dependent on a func
tional soxR gene. These data imply that protective responses, such as induc
tion of the soxRS regulon, may be triggered by diverse environmental oxidat
ive stresses, and that O-1(2) may also function as a signal molecule in pro