There is no consensus on home oxygen therapy in infancy. We hypothesised th
at this might lead to considerable variability in the practice of prescribi
ng home oxygen to infants. To assess this variability, a structured questio
nnaire was sent to all departments of Paediatrics in Germany (n = 380). Res
ponse rate was 92% (n = 349). Indications were mostly (86%) based on long-t
erm recordings of pulse oximeter saturation (SPO2). There was, however, a w
ide range (85-94%, mean 90%) Of SPO2-values below which oxygen therapy was
considered indicated. Hospitals more experienced with this therapy tended t
o prescribe oxygen at SPO2 values closer to the physiological range. Simila
rly, SPO2 values aimed for during therapy ranged from 86 to 100%, with hosp
itals prescribing home oxygen more frequently aiming for higher values. The
se differences would argue for concentrating home oxygen therapy to centers
with the largest experience. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel.