The II-III cytoplasmic loop of the skeletal muscle dihydropyridine receptor
(DHPR) alpha (1)-subunit is essential for skeletal-type excitation-contrac
tion coupling. Single channel and [H-3]ryanodine binding studies with a ful
l-length recombinant peptide (p(666-791)) confirmed that this region specif
ically activates skeletal muscle Ca2+ release channels (CRCs). However, att
empts to identify shorter domains of the II-III loop specific for skeletal
CRC activation have yielded contradictory results. We assessed the specific
ity of the interaction of five truncated II-III loop peptides by comparing
their effects on skeletal and cardiac CRCs in lipid bilayer experiments; p(
671-680) and p(720-765) specifically activated the submaximally Ca2+-activa
tecl skeletal CRC in experiments using both mono and divalent ions as curre
nt carriers. A third peptide, p(671-690) showed a bimodal activation/inacti
vation behavior indicating a high-affinity activating and low-affinity inac
tivating binding site. Two other peptides (p(681-690) and p(681-685)) that
contained an RKRRK-motif and have previously been suggested in in vitro stu
dies to be important for skeletal-type E-C coupling, failed to specifically
stimulate skeletal CRCs. Noteworthy, p(671-690), p(681-690) and p(681-685)
induced similar subconductances and long-lasting channel closings in skele
tal and cardiac CRCs, indicating that these peptides interact in an isoform
-independent manner with the CRCs.